The DNA test can confirm Jewish ancestry
In some cases, the right to repatriation can be confirmed through genetic testing (DNA test), which can prove kinship with a person whose Jewish origin has already been documented.
Important to note! The result of the DNA test will have legal force only if it was conducted by the decision of an Israeli court and in the established procedure.


How to prove Jewish ancestry using a DNA test?
To prove Jewish ancestry using DNA testing, especially when lacking sufficient documentation, it’s recommended to consult with a lawyer beforehand if the Jewish lineage is through the paternal line. If an applicant for repatriation to Israel faces a potential recommendation for genetic testing or even rejection from the Israeli consulate due to insufficient documentation, it’s crucial to prepare in advance.
To conduct DNA testing, a court order from an Israeli court is required. If a rejection is issued by the consulate, there may be a separate process for reinstating the right to repatriation, which occurs after completing the DNA testing process.
The process is similar for children born to an Israeli father if their birth was not reported to the consulate within the specified timeframe.
To initiate DNA testing, it’s necessary to engage a lawyer who holds a valid license to practice law in Israel and specializes in family and immigration law.

How is a DNA test conducted?
The lawyer, by power of attorney, applies to the court on behalf of the plaintiff and obtains permission for genetic testing. Participants submit genetic material (saliva or blood) in an Israeli laboratory or at the Israeli consulate in the country of residence. The genetic material is compared with the genetic sample of the father or other alleged relatives.
If the biological father or his blood relatives live in Israel, it is not necessary to obtain their consent to conduct the DNA test; they can be compelled to participate in the test by court order.
The DNA test is only performed in licensed laboratories in Israel. Analyses conducted privately or in other countries are not recognized by the Israeli court and cannot be considered.

Why do you need a specialized lawyer?
Proving Jewish ancestry through DNA testing without the involvement of a lawyer is impossible. The process is strictly regulated, and the court will not appoint a genetic examination without legal representation.
If the verification confirms the plaintiff’s relationship with an individual whose Jewish ancestry is documented or with an Israeli citizen, the lawyer can proceed with the repatriation process or the granting of citizenship status, especially if it involves a child born after the parent became an Israeli citizen.
Overall, the entire process can take anywhere from 4 to 7 months.
Genetic testing complicates the repatriation process. However, for many, DNA testing is what makes repatriation possible.
Lawyers in our office have helped hundreds of clients confirm their right to repatriation through genetic analysis and obtain Israeli citizenship.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is a DNA test needed to establish paternity in Israel?
DNA testing is frequently utilized to establish paternity in cases where paternity was not established at birth or when a child is born out of wedlock. This process can help confirm biological relatedness and is crucial in resolving legal issues related to citizenship acquisition, confirming the right to repatriation, and in inheritance disputes.
Can a DNA test confirm Jewishness in Israel?
Yes, a DNA test can be used to confirm Jewishness. This is particularly relevant in the context of repatriation to Israel, where proving Jewish roots is required for citizenship acquisition. However, it’s important to note that such testing is strictly conducted in Israeli laboratories. Results from studies conducted in other countries are not considered.
How to properly conduct a DNA test for repatriation and obtaining Israeli citizenship?
The investigation is strictly conducted at the discretion of the family court in Israel. There’s no need for any of the participants in the process to be physically present in Israel if it’s more convenient for them. However, if it’s possible to conduct the process within the country, it will naturally proceed faster. The lawyer opens the case and obtains permission to conduct the DNA test. Upon completion of the examination, the authorized attorney informs the clients of the results and adjusts the documents accordingly for subsequent use for repatriation or citizenship acquisition purposes. When conducting the investigation outside of Israel, the attorney assists in acquiring sample tubes from a certified Israeli laboratory and sending them to Israeli consulates abroad.
What are the advantages of a DNA test for repatriation to Israel?
The DNA testing method is often used to “strengthen” the document package. To determine the necessity of conducting the test, it is important to consult with a lawyer before the consular review. This can help save time and conduct the process with maximum efficiency. Contrary to common belief, it is NOT REQUIRED to have a consular refusal in order to apply to the Israeli court for DNA appointment.
Who can help with DNA testing and legal issues in Israel?
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The office provides legal services in the field of immigration, family, commercial and labor law, conducts real estate transactions, develops individual solutions for businesses and individuals, and provides legal support to Israeli and international companies. Our lawyers regularly participate in the work of specialized commissions at the Chamber of Lawyers of Israel and the Knesset, create judicial precedents, improve regulatory mechanisms in various areas of law, provide advisory assistance to official representative offices of foreign states and significant public organizations located in Israel and abroad.