Single Elderly Parent
The state of Israel provides the opportunity for elderly single individuals, parents of Israeli citizens who do not have the right to repatriate under the Law of Return, to reunite with their families and obtain permanent residency (PR) in Israel

The compliance with all three conditions is mandatory.

How to legalize a single elderly parent in Israel?
If the initiator of the process is an Israeli citizen and their elderly parent meets the specified criteria, they can apply to the Ministry of Interior (MOI) to legalize their mother or father. The parent can enter Israel either by invitation from their children, with the purpose of furthering the reunification process, or as a regular tourist. Afterward, they can proceed to the MOI to initiate the family reunification process. This process can be complex, so it’s advisable to seek assistance from an immigration lawyer familiar with Israeli immigration laws.

Which parent is considered single?
A single parent is considered someone who is not married or widowed, and who does not have children in the country of origin or in other countries. If there are other children but there is no contact with them or they are unable to care for their parent due to various reasons, with the assistance of a lawyer, it may be possible to obtain a humanitarian visa and status for the parent.

What obstacles can be encountered?
The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of Israel often denies the legalization of parents. The reason can be anything; for example, officials may, at their discretion, demand a document that is impossible to provide. An immigration lawyer handles such processes daily and helps families assert their right to legalize a single parent in Israel.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get permanent residency in Israel if I'm a parent of an Israeli citizen?
Yes, if you are a single parent of Israeli citizens. However, there are additional mandatory requirements — reaching retirement age and having no other children except those residing in Israel.
What are the requirements for granting residency to single parent in Israel?
The requirements for granting residency to parents in Israel include various factors such as age, health, financial stability, and family ties. The parent must be unmarried, meaning not legally married. If such a parent has other children outside the State of Israel, the legalization process may be impossible (within the framework of this Ministry of Interior current instruction). It is also important to have no criminal record. Each case is assessed individually by the Ministry of Interior, and specific documentation may be required.
What is a humanitarian visa in Israel and can it be issued to a single parent?
A humanitarian visa in Israel typically refers to a visa granted based on humanitarian grounds, such as fleeing persecution, seeking medical treatment, or reuniting with family members. It may be issued to individuals facing exceptional circumstances where their safety or well-being is at risk. The term “humanitarian visa” is not entirely accurate. The grounds for obtaining a visa can be humanitarian, while the visa itself could be tourist, work-related, residency, and so on. The humanitarian process is needed when the applicant does not meet the requirements outlined by the Ministry of Interior (MOI). In such cases, if there are special circumstances, grounds for applying for humanitarian status may be found. For instance, cases of parents with other children besides those residing in Israel who are unable to provide adequate care for their parents due to objective circumstances might be considered in this manner.
How can I relocate an elderly parent to Israel?
The process varies depending on whether the parent is already in Israel, their status, or if they are abroad, whether they have previously applied for legalization in the country. In some cases, the Ministry of Interior may require the parent to leave Israel before beginning the process. Assessing your chances and planning the sequence of actions can be aided by an immigration lawyer during a consultation specific to your case.”
What status does a parent receive in Israel, and do they obtain citizenship
The status a single parent receives in Israel depend on directly on the parent’s age at the start of the process. . In general, parents may be eligible for residency permits or permanent residency status based on family reunification policies, but citizenship is typically not automatically granted through this process. Citizenship applications require meeting specific criteria set by the Israeli government. For a detailed breakdown by age, please refer to our article
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The office provides legal services in the field of immigration, family, commercial and labor law, conducts real estate transactions, develops individual solutions for businesses and individuals, and provides legal support to Israeli and international companies. Our lawyers regularly participate in the work of specialized commissions at the Chamber of Lawyers of Israel and the Knesset, create judicial precedents, improve regulatory mechanisms in various areas of law, provide advisory assistance to official representative offices of foreign states and significant public organizations located in Israel and abroad.