No matter where you are, you can take a feasible part in the fate of Israel.
- To do this, you can make a donation to one of the following organizations:
Support the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), within Israel
Support the IDF from abroad
Emergency aid, within Israel
Support Emergency aid from abroad
In the photo, you see the details of the association for donations to purchase equipment for IDF soldiers and residents of the south. Tents, blankets, mattresses, underwear, hygiene products, generators, and much more are needed. Details for both domestic transfers and transfers from abroad are provided:

If you are in Israel, have your own transport, and are willing to help as a volunteer driver, please fill out this form
If you would like to donate blood, follow this link to choose the nearest point. Please note that the points may close significantly earlier than the stated time, so come early.
If you are unable to become a donor, you can make a donation to the association.
- Other types of assistance:
Volunteer assistance to the IDF
Host refugees from the south in the north of Israel and/or provide financial assistance
Peace and tranquility to all of us during this difficult time!